I am so ready for fall! We have had several 60 something degree mornings and I can feel the touch of fall!! My granddaddy was born on Sept. 15 and grandma on October 12. Her favorite season was fall! She was beautiful and granddaddy was so very handsome!! He was a WW2 vet and was at the Battle of the Bulge. So many stories I never heard!
Life at their house was magical for me! Especially Christmas! But Grandma Conley's favorite season was Fall. I agree. I am taking it in now. The low temps in the morning is God's promise that He is in control!
I designed a fall candle out of Simply Earth essential oils that really smell like fall. It has cinnamon, clove, and orange essential oils. But it also contains pumpkin spice and cinnamon. I only have one in the store, but can make more! Check out www.signalhillapothecary.net.